A few woof pawints to keep in mind

Each of our meals are meticulously designed by our canine nutritionists to provide optimal nutrition in fresh, high-quality, delicious dog food.

Guide to transitioning and feeding your dog

Just like humans, dogs need time to get accustomed to a new diet. Follow this simple guide to help them with their transition to cleaner, healthier food!

For transitioning to a 100% Fresh food Diet, do it over 7 days

Regardless of whether or not you’re feeding freshly cooked food, or kibble, or both together, we recommend introducing the good boy meal over a 7-day period.

Day 1 & 2

75% old food 25% The good boy

Day 3 & 4

50% old food 50% The good boy

Day 5 & 6

25% old food 75% The good boy

Day 7+

100 % The good boy fresh meal
Some dogs will transition quickly, and have no issues at all. Some may need longer to adapt to the changes during mealtime, the textures, the new aromas and tastes, and even the new sounds. Dogs who have never tried any type of fresh food at all, may need a slower adjustment period to our gently cooked recipes.

Storage of meals

Just like human food , our meals do not have any preservatives or additives. they are fresh, hand-cooked meals and hence we recommend freezing or refrigerating the packs immediately when you receive it.
It will be difficult for us to promise the quality of food if not stored in the freezer or refrigerator.
Our fresh meals come with an expiry of 7-10 days . If the meals are left outside the refrigerator or unchilled environment for more than 30-40 minutes after being received, the shelf life of the food is halved.
We also have a option of pre divide your daily requirement into single meals at additional cost of packaging.
It is advised to open the seal before serving, if a pack is puffed, smells rancid or not fresh when opened, please do not serve it to your pet and ask for an Immediate replacement.
about us puppy

Serving our meals

If stored in refrigerator/freezer our meals have a shelf life of 7-10days. Please check for expiry dates on your packs before serving.
Our meals come as daily / single time meal packs. Please open your pack as per your order
You can microwave for 45 seconds – 1 minute to serve at room temperature or serve cold based on your pets liking.

Serving our meals

If stored in refrigerator/freezer our meals have a shelf life of 7-10days. Please check for expiry dates on your packs before serving.
Our meals come as daily / single time meal packs. Please open your pack as per your order
You can microwave for 45 seconds – 1 minute to serve at room temperature or serve cold based on your pets liking.